HOW TO REVIVE!!! A DEAD PHONE BATTERY REVEALED!!!(part1). It's freeTIPS@yourfingerTIPS #The weekly session that Improves your mobile phone's Health At Home. KINDLY DROP YOUR QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS IN THE SECTION BELOW AND DONT FORGET TO LIKE &SHARE TO FRIENDS! ***THE JUMPSTART METHOD*** Many a times, customers are always depressed due to the fact that their phone battery's are now inactive or has lost charge.Most of then even go to the extent of testing the battery with their TONGUE to no avail. But below are 'freeTIPS@yourfingerTIPS' on how to Revive a dead cell phone battery. WARNING!!: This tip does NOT apply to those of you with swollen batteries. A swollen battery is to be thrown away!!!. STEP 1: Get a 9voltage battery,(mostly a microphone battery), a pair of wire and a sellotape. Now your gonna be using this by tying the two wires to the two terminals of the 9v battety differently(I.e positive to positive battery head, negative to negative battery head).That means you now have two wires elongating fromthe two terminals of the 9v battery. STEP 2: Now cover the connections you did with a sellotape(this process is called insulation). do not let there be naked wires. NOTE: Ensure that the opposite ends of the wires that are not yet connected are been sharpened for connection to your phone battery. STEP 3: Now connect them respectively to your phone battery. positive to positive terminal and negatives too. do not mis- connect , it can cause explosion. STEP4: Now you have to sellotape very angle and surface of the wire and connections when there are wire openings to avoid contact between wires that causes explosion. The note! STEP5: Now you have to leave this for about 3 minutes to transfer power. make sure you check the phone battery if it's now slightly warm or no longer as cool as before. so as to disconnect the connections. STEP 6: Now you can disconnect and plug battery to your phone as usual. your mobile phone is suppose to turn ON by now. if not please observe the processes well again and comment below for questions. Thanks. If this was helpful, please like the official page of this initiative on Facebook where we dose you with all kinds of tips and useful healthy tricks that help you avoid overspending this season. @ Then come to our official blog community to get more answers to previously asked questions that will TIP you OFF the edge and put your phone on the safer side. #freeTIPS@yourFingerTIPS @


  1. Thanks for this tip. One question. Is this a method of boosting a completely dead battery or 'healing' a damaged battery.
    I know what the tag to this post says, but I want to be sure.

    1. Thanks sir,
      It works for both sir.
      You can actually use this to boost a dead battery primarily that just stopped working and has no charge on it.
      But also works for bad batteries too sir.
      Part two is gonna tell more about it.

    2. Alright. Thanks for your response.

  2. I'll try it out when I have such situation...thank you

  3. Ok please letslewatch out for the part two of this shortly!!


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