CHECK OUT THIS EYE OPENER!!! SIX(6) THINGS THAT DRAIN YOUR MOBILE PHONE BATTERY SO QUICKLY!!! click this link to see other tips like this Hello! It's been a long while since we shared ideas on our favourite session. #freeTIPS@yourfingerTIPS please let's discuss and please do well to leave your comments below in the comment section!! Now let's talk.... Amongst other beautiful FEATURES in a mobile phone is the ability for durability. when I say that, I mean a LONG BATTERY LIFE!. Every phone has its capacity and it varies due to usability. But there are factors that are responsible for the durability of your phone battery that when not implored will cause your battery to loose power consistently. Below are the major factors behind your phone battery drainage!!!. 1. OVERNIGHT ALARMS: See, this is a secret agent that kills battery that you voluntarily set up your self in the name of "wake me up". But as you sleep and refuses to wake up. it snoozes and repeats till day breaks!!. them you meet a low battery percentage. It is a battery killer, it just acts like if you play music from 5am. till 8am. that you wake up. and you expect a full battery. IMPOSSIBLE!!!. SOLUTION: set it on a Ring once method. 2.BACKGROUND POWER DRAINING APPS: Now these apps are regular power zapping applications that run on a "low key" and are sometimes unnecessary. they can be 10 or more and they work as long as your phone is on. if you doubt, check your app manager and see that some apps are running. even with their time footage along side. so these apps are mostly irrelevant to your phone while some are. SOLUTION: Download this app. APP FREEZER. and always clear your cache and running apps. 3.RADIO(NETWORK SERVICES): Now this is a major battery killer and drainer. it is always active as long as there's a simcard. this program is an in built signal finder in every cell phone that seeks to connect with the waves and network in the air. Mostly if you put it in a DEADSPOT. A dead spot is an area or region in space where there's no satellite network, eg. under your bed, inside your car boot, just anywhere where you can't find services. Meanwhile, your phone will be looking service and reloading the network and searching every seconds just to reconnect and maintain alignment with the air.And that, in itself, is the BATTERY KILLER!!!. SOLUTION: Always shut out your data services when not in use, never stay in a DEADSPOT!, put your phone on plane mode if you wanna play games or stuffs. 4. GAMES: As good as this may be, it is a major source of battery depletion.this is a programmed software for entertainment and fun that makes use of codes, and programed language which involves you phones CPU and PROCESSOR in a continuous task of thinking and rigorous processing of each information that the game presents. This is an Herculean task on the part if your phone. Now let me ask you. Have you noticed the temperature of your phone anytime you play games often?, if not, them please do. SOLUTION: Minimize your gaming habits and consider your phones health. 5. CHARGING METHODS: Now there are various ways charging a phone can help your battery and also spoil it. let me show you. People charge their battery and use it while charging, while others charge it while it's off. now tell me. whose battery will last better? when ever you use a bad charger, a generator, a low current, etc for your subject the phone to irregular charging problems (ICP) which will eventually ruin your battery and your phone. SOLUTION: do not charge phone while in use, never use a low quality power supply source to charge, do not charge phone half way, never empty your battery always, do not overcharge to avoid discharge. 6.PHONE BRIGHTNESS/ CONTRAST LEVEL. Now this is very important. the higher the brightness the more power is required to sustain it. so whenever you increase your brightness just because you wanna see clearly, you subject the Phone energy drainage. simple as that!. SOLUTION: Go to settings, put your contrast on automatic. so it will determine and regulate the brightness for adaptive situations. IF YOU ENJOYED THIS TOPIC, WHY NOT CLICK The LIKE BUTTON BELOW AND INVITE 10 FRIENDS TO SEE THIS. YOU CAN CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO SEE MORE AT OUR OFFICIAL BLOG AND PAGE @ and for your phone repairs please leave a comment below, and call this number for services. 08145967074. Engr. Steve #stevethephoneguy.


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